Classic games changelog

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog. For the version numbers, I just use a simple 2-digit, for major and minor changes. I add a letter in the case I create a new version fixing only bugs.

Each version has its corresponding apk under the folder releases.

v1.2 - 2021-08-01

A couple of bug fixes that were left.


  • Hint button in ahorcado didn't work, made the app crash. Now this is fixed (iss. #83)
  • Help button in Snake didn't work, made the app crash. Now this is fixed (iss. #84)
  • Change settings before loading the game makes the app crash (iss. #85)

v1.1 - 2021-07-11

Some bug fixes, and recoding of the games to a single app.


  • Sample picture for 15puzzle was too separated (iss. #70). Now fixed.
  • Games are only loaded when clicked, instead of all loaded at the start (iss. #74)


  • Help button for each of the games, pointing to the game instructions (iss. #78)
  • Limit the maximum speed of the ball in game pong (iss. #79)
  • Audio message when clicking on exit


  • Icon and splash screen
  • Order of the games in the main menu, side menu and settings, to be aligned with the order they were created.
  • Level progress bar: changed to an MD widget, more aligned with theme.


  • Removed some themes from pong, 15 puzzle, memory (iss. #77)

v1.0 - 2021-06-13

Initial versiĆ³n of the game, with all the individual games integrated and basic navigation functionality.


  • Spash screen, as per iss. #71.
  • Options in main menu for help, and about, as per iss. #69.


  • Made buttons on toolbar dynamic, e.g. changed the icon when clicked, as per iss. #68.
  • Changed order of the menu, to reflect the order in which programs were written.
  • Changed drawer menu, adding title, and scroll only for games, as per iss. #72.


  • Hint button in ahorcado, if clicked when game is not happening, it hanged the game. Now this is fixed, as per iss. #75.

v0.7 - 2021-06-12


  • Game of Buscaminas implemented.
  • Added mute button for Buscaminas
  • Buttons in toolbar change icon.

v0.6 - 2021-06-12


  • Game of Pong implemented. Still using some elements from kivy.
  • Added settings for Pong

v0.5 - 2021-06-06


  • Game of Memory implemented. Still using some elements from kivy.
  • Added settings for Memory
  • Added mute button for Memory

v0.4 - 2021-06-04


  • Game of 2048 implemented. Still using some elements from kivy.
  • Added mute button for 2048

v0.3 - 2021-05-29


  • Game of 15 puzzle implemented. Still using many elements from kivy.
  • Added mute buton for 15 puzzle.
  • Settings for 15 puzzle.

v0.2 - 2021-05-26


  • Appearance: order of the menu to show snake, ahorcado first, and settings panels.


  • Game of ahorcado implemented. Still using many elements from kivy.
  • Added mute buton for ahorcado.
  • Settings for ahorcado.

v0.1 - 2021-05-23

Initial version of the app. It includes the main menu with the navigation and the snake game with the settings. All the other games are not yet implemented.


  • Initial version of the menu and navigation.
  • Game of snake implemented. Still using many elements from kivy.