Snake changelog

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog. For the version numbers, I just use a simple 2-digit, for major and minor changes. Each version has its corresponding apk under the folder releases.

v1.4 - 2021-04-11


  • Option to select starting level, as per iss. #57
  • Option to play story (e.g. one level after the other), or just one level endless, as per iss #58


  • Different types of food, having different behaviours (iss. #46)
  • All configuration options now set through a settings screen, instead of buttons


  • Fixed error when sizing the grid, in some specific window / grid configurations, as per iss. #60
  • Popup messages now have a button to close the message. This avoids accidental closing of the window, and moving to next level (iss. #59)

v1.3 - 2021-04-06


  • Tail: last part of the snake is a tail, instead of a regular part (iss. #56)
  • Created 12 different levels (iss. #44). Now game move to the next level after a certain score.


  • End of game: instead of popup, now the colour of head will change to multiple colours, to indicate game over (iss. #55)
  • Changed speed options to 11, 15, 19, 23, to have better visual on some levels


  • When change of size, the grid is not well aligned. Now the change of size button will stop the game, and change screen size. (iss. #52).

v1.2 - 2021-04-01


  • Walls around the edges of the screen (iss. #38)
  • Menu buttons for pause and mute (iss. #51)


  • Snake doesn't die when hitting the end of screen: it pops out at the opposite end. Only hitting the wall or hitting the snake will kill the snake.
  • Screen sizes adapted, to accomodate the wall

v1.1 - 2021-03-28


  • Implemented speed button, as per iss. #37
  • Implemented size button, as per iss. #50
  • Added help button
  • Snake opens mouth when close to the food (#47)


  • Changed graphic of head
  • Menu buttons updated, and now using scale-independent pixels (#49)
  • Improved the way the screen size is defined, and centered within the available space (#45)
  • Score label moved
  • Snake starts with 3 parts, instead of only head
  • Increased base speed of the snake
  • App icon changed


  • Several internal fixes, improving the detection of collisions and end of screen

v1.0 - 2021-03-21


  • Spash screen, as per iss. #41
  • Snake opens mouth before eating (iss. #47)
  • Sounds for start, eat, game over and close app (iss. #39)
  • Score tracking (iss #35)
  • Added end of game message and sound (iss. #42)
  • Menu at the top, with options for start game, end application (iss. #37)


  • Increased size of snake and food, as per iss. #36


  • Food to check window limits at the start of a game, so it spawns correctly inside the window (iss. #43)
  • Check collision with top and right have been fixed

0.1 - 2021-03-19


  • Initial version of the game.
  • Basic functionality of snake game
  • Image for the head of snake, and food